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  Management Consultancy - Coaching and wingwave®

***  NEWS with GEKO  ***


Personality – Teamhorizon – Leadership


Get started NOW!

With a common Focus and Mindset:

  • FOR a successful #careerpath and even more #lifeenjoyment as PERSON

  • FOR optimal #teamperformance and strong #employerbranding in the COMPANY

Curious? >> Click to ALL Infos and MORE Details

GEKO stands for ...

personally coordinated advice, training and coaching from a single source and at eye level,

for organizations, teams

or quite individual


... out of passion and conviction

As a certified coach for systemic short-term concepts and certified trainer for work-related stress management, I offer to my clients,

with the subject areas


transformation - leadership culture - career support


stress management - resilience promotion - burnout primary-prevention

based on the


neuroressources - humanonline - myostatik test


both "online" and "on site"

the highest possible coaching benefit with optimal use of methods


... for an agile working life in the digital age



 two book titles for a stronger #WorkLifeCompetence

in a better


Inclusive excursus - Intercultural competence in organizational development.

Published in print and as an e-book.

Inclusive excursus - Between flow and narcissism in corporate management.

Published in print and as an e-book.

GEKO Themes


transformation - leadership culture - career support

achieving goals

moving successes

activating resources

regulating performance stress


stress management - resilience promotion - burnout prevention

steer thinking & acting positively

increase quality of life

dissolve blockages

live creativity


neuroresources -

humanonline - myostatik test

In just a short time,

organizational-, team- or

individual topics  in the areas of

“business” and “mental” 

are coached “precisely”

Trainings of the BESSER-SIEGMUND-INSTITUT certified by the Society for Neurolinguistic Coaching (GNLC e.V.)

Certificate with TÜV quality award - Degree recognized by the European Coaching Association (ECA) and ICF (International Coaching Federation)

GEKO Fokus

Organization focus


 What do we actively do with the results from our employee  feedback?

How can we implement targeted activities and measures?


Practice solutions:

Stress-Factors Evaluation

(Qualitative - individual orientated)

Anti-Stress Program

(wingwave® 8-Elements workshop)

Primary-Prevention Governance

(Validated test & Prioritisation)


Team focus 

 What do we exactly know about our team resources and resilience?

How can we there promote holistic team success and health?



Practice solutions:

Resilience-Potentials Evaluation

(Qualitative - structure orientated)

Mental-Performance Training

(Enjoyness-Kicks & NeuroRessourcen®)

Coaching-Essentials Crash

(Compact - professional - effective)


Individual focus

What can I personally do to combat current overloads and  performance stress?


How can I achieve sustainable balance and career goals?


Practice solutions:

Stress-Memory processing

(wingwave® Coaching & Myostatik test)

Active-Balance Program

(Short-term Coaching & Self-care tools)

Burnout-Pattern early detection

(Validated test & Action steps)

The GEKO focus areas:

Personality - Team horizon - Leadership

offer organizations, their teams and its individuals a common framework of workshop and coaching elements that build on each other and can be integrated harmoniously both as a supplement to current EAP / BGF concepts and in future CSR / ESG measures.

»We can't change the wind,

but we can help set the sails differently.«


GEKO Profile

GEKO advises

in development / change processes

GEKO supports

in inter- / intra-cultural challenges

GEKO accompanies

in the new business / in the new job

Open up personally for yourself,

your team or your company

in a target-oriented coaching process:

New Chances

  • through precise short-term coaching-concepts


Better Stress-Management

  • through sustainable anti-stress and resilience-training


Stronger Work-Life-Competence

  • through holistic burnout primary-prevention

GEKO Consulting enables you as a client in our cooperation in consulting and coaching to

 focus the common time on getting out of the so-called autopilot mode, our everyday standard.

In autopilot mode , we follow automatisms, work according to fixed schemes, situationally appropriate and flexible behavior is hindered as automatic and rigid processing and reaction patterns occur. In this mode we do not live in the here and now , our mind is not in contact with the current (new) situation and the resulting demands. The autopilot mode can be useful in everyday life, facilitating the execution of routine activities, but it is a potential risk , especially in change and development situations , if we only work in this mode.

Get out of autopilot mode and shape your future according to your own beliefs and interests. Whether start-up, NGO, SME or international group, GEKO Consulting advises, supports and accompanies  you personally, the team or the organization with impulses and experience from more than 20 years of successful management, combined with current scientific findings and recognized methods as well as its own research on resilience and burnout primary prevention.

"Paths are made by walking them."

Franz Kafka

START the dialogue with GEKO >>



von Gerald Kohl 9. Februar 2025
JETZT durchstarten! Mit dem gemeinsamen Fokus und Mindset: FÜR einen erfolgreichen #Karriereweg und noch mehr #Lebensfreude als PERSON FÜR optimale #TeamPerformance und starkes #EmployerBranding im UNTERNEHMEN „Wege entstehen dadurch, dass man sie geht“
von Gerald Kohl 10. Januar 2025
Besonders in schwierigen Situationen, wo wir Erfolge dringend nötig hätten: -> Holen Sie sich Unterstützung mit der w ing w ave® -Methode!
von Gerald Kohl 5. Dezember 2024
Your stage please … ! „Stealing with pride“ from those who have to “deliver on the trigger" ->  i.e. performance artists, golf pros, surgery doctors, aviation crews …
von Gerald Kohl 7. November 2024
Do YOU manage to FOCUS on the important things?  In today's world, with stressful situations and excessive information flow, it can be quite difficult to maintain focussed ATTENTION.
von Gerald Kohl 30. September 2024
How 2 create a MINDSET of ENJOYNESS® to focus our ATTENTION on the goal!
von Gerald Kohl 11. September 2024
Special - Offer! GEKO Coaching Essentials Crash-Training
von Gerald Kohl 21. Juni 2024
Welcher Urlaubs-Lesetyp sind Sie? Genreleser - Allesleser - Teilzeitleser - Suchtleser - Wissensleser Zeitschriften - Comics - Krimis - Romane - Fantasy - Sachbücher Für die beiden Letztgenannten habe ich einen Tipp parat (:->) Die #NextGenerationWorkLife GEKO-Buchreihe
von Gerald Kohl 23. Mai 2024
"95% können aktuell nicht entspannen. Massive Stressreaktionen steigen seit 20 Jahren." -> Mental Training / „loslassen“ Techniken sind erlernbar! (Dr. Bermd Hufnagl, Neurobiologe) In diesem Sinne bringt Enjoyness®-Coaching für sie als Coaching-Kunden spürbar mehr sprudelnde Aktivität in das mentale und körperliche Erleben als beispielsweise der softe Begriff „Wellbeing“. „To enjoy“ ist ein „Tu-Wort“: „Enjoy yourself“ enthält sinngemäß nicht nur die Aussage „Freue Dich!“ , sondern auch die ermunternde Aufforderung „Mach was draus!“ Enjoyness-Kicks und Selbstcoaching-Tools für ein bewusst initiiertes „Gut-Drauf-Sein“, im Sinne eines „State-Control-Trainings“, verbessern die Konnektivität in der gesamten Neurobiologie des Menschen und machen dadurch kreativer und lernfähiger. Dabei kommen u.a. Humorelemente des provokativen Coachings zum Einsatz, es entsteht eine subjektive Leichtigkeit – auch im Umgang mit anspruchsvollen Situationen – weshalb Enjoyness als Erfolgsschalter / Stress-Buzzer zur spürbaren Steigerung und Aufrechterhaltung des positiven subjektiven Erlebens eingesetzt werden kann. (Besser-Siegmund-Institut / geko-consulting.at) Neugierig? >> Mehr erfahren im persönlichen Gespräch mit GEKO << www.geko-consulting.at/kontakt „Solange wir leben, verändert sich unser Körper (und Geist). Diesen Umstand können wir nutzen." -> Denn: Wer nichts ändert, bekommt mehr von dem, was er schon hat. (Dr. med. Christian Larsen, Begründer Spiraldynamik®)
von Gerald Kohl 4. März 2024
Kennt ihr das? Manchmal werden unsere Erwartungen an einen guten Tag auch noch übertroffen – durch Beziehungen mit anderen Menschen – man braucht "NUR" bereit dazu sein. 
von Gerald Kohl 1. März 2024
With all the enthusiasm about AI and new technology, we must not lose sight of the individuals = people in our teams. Unless you evaluate the quality of your #team #culture, it's hard to guess WHAT really drives it today, HOW to keep it up AND make it even better tomorrow.
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