in Focus

As a professional consultant and coach, I focus on

the interface between company and personality,

 analyze together with you as a client precisely the necessary support needs, accompany you in the reflection, development and implementation of individual solutions and options for action

 -> for organizations, teams  and individuals

 -> in the local  as well as in the global  environment

-> in the areas of personality - team horizon - leadership


 Open up new approaches and opportunities for you in the consultation process through targeted interventions and tailor-made tools! Together, we individually develop appropriate transformation solutions and development options. Everything with the passion to contribute to the

long-term culture of change and learning individually and in the company!

Holistic - Sustainable - and always at Eye Level 



In the area of individuals I am personally, discreet and at eye level for you and your concerns available. See me, as your coach, in the role of sparring partner , old friend or reflection!


The challenges in coaching are based on my experience in an open, individual and objective approach. Free of conventional advice and conventions, we work sustainably and holistically on your challenges, opportunities and, above all, your resilience - in the classic indoor setting but also like online or outdoor, always adapted to your personal needs.

Focal questions (a.o.)

  • What am I  personally doing to combat current overload and performance stress?
  • How can I achieve  sustainable active balance and career goals?


Practical solutions (a.o.)

Stress-Memory  processing

(wingwave® Coaching & Myostatik test)

Active-Balance program

(Short-term Coaching & Self-care tools)

Burnout-Patterns early detection

(Validated test & Action steps)

"Never let your shadow win in shadow boxing."  Muhammad Ali

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Consulting / Coaching

With teams I work personally and unbiased as a Joker / Team catalyst on development and transformation processes, in the local and intercultural / globalized project environment.


I see the challenges for teams in the rapid transition from continuously changing corporate goals and processes to individual team culture and project reality . Intercultural / international team aspects as well as a sustainable team resilience and identity are always in the foreground with my support, in-house or in the "Outback", specifically adapted to the team needs!

Focal questions (a.o.)

  • What do we know exactly about our team resources and resilience?
  • How can we there promote holistically team success and health?


Practice solutions (a.o.)

Resilience-Potentials Evaluation

(Qualitative - structure orientated)

Mental-Performance  Training

(Enjoyness®-Kicks & NeuroResources®)

Coaching-Essentials  Crash

(Compact - professional - effective)

"You never win alone. On the day you believe something else, you start losing. "
Mika Pauli Häkkinen (Finnish racer)

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In the area of organization, I personally and independently support your company as an "I-Brand" .
In full time consulting - interim management - individually according to plan - or ad-hoc if it burns!


I see the opportunities / challenges in my work with and for organizations analogous to the role of the jester in the Middle Ages. Through intelligent and constructive irritation and provocation, organizations (such as the royal family) are stimulated to think, rethink, and think differently. This will develop a new and better understanding of the overall situation and necessary changes. Appreciation, authenticity and transparency are the top priority when accompanying these processes!

Focal questions (a.o.)

  • What do we actively do with the results of our employee feedback?
  • How can we use it to implement  targeted activities and measures?


Practice solutions (a.o.)

Stress-Factors  Evaluation

(Qualitative - individual orientated)

Anti-Stress Program

(wingwave® 8-Elements workshop)

Primary-Prevention  Governance

(Validated test & Prioritisation)

"One recognizes the error when all the world shares it."  Jean Giraudoux

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Concepts & Events

Business Culture and Work Life Competence

From Vision/Mission with Processes/Tools  and  Goals/Experience  

to  Awareness/Culture  and  Resilience/Identity .

In the foreground of my work in the area of concepts and events is
the strengthening of the compatibility

of the perceived organizational culture and identity in your company within an environment of

constant change (cultural lag). To reconcile, so to speak, the identity of the organization in relation

to the "signs of the times" in a success-oriented way.


Above all, I see the current challenges within regional and international environments with virtual, agile team structures that lack both the time and structure to communicate and perceive corporate culture and knowledge management, that are generating thereby overall organizational, performance-limiting influences (identity / role confusion).

Organizational and personnel development measures as well as executives play a central role in expectation-, sense adhesion, insecurity absorption and
complexity reduction . Only then can the understanding of current requirements (vision / mission), the connection to new solution strategies (Processes / Tools) and the expectation of individual actions (Goals / Experience) be justified.

With your company individually coordinated concepts and models for an active learning culture as well as for an established knowledge management in combination with targeted, intervention methods and events, ideally in groups settings using outdoor and natural elements , will thereby help facilitating the transfer of organizational culture as well as the transfer of knowledge of the Macro to the micro level (Awareness / Culture).

stated aim in such development processes is always to create a functional fit with work life competence models and thus an emancipated fit between person and organization (resilience / identity).

Link to matching GEKO BLOG articles:

"Resilience in teams":

"Green Resilience":

„Culture always beats strategy" GEKO Consulting

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