Blog Post


How 2 use the TEAM as a resource against stress
30. September 2024
Gerald Kohl

How 2 create a MINDSET of ENJOYNESS® to focus our ATTENTION on the goal!


How 2 use the TEAM as a resource against stress

Since attention is an effect and not a cause, we endanger to lose our focus under overly stressful  conditions or in situations with too sparse information.

Although we frequently urge ourselves to “pay attention”, do we really know what is meant by this  phrase?

And most importantly: What conditions do YOU actually need for focused attention?  

Through regular training and preparation = sparring, we can transform our habitual perception and  cognition processing in such a way that it leads to a more favourable (re)ACTION!

The sparring condition gives you the naivety and openness to cross boundaries and address taboos,

it allows you to take people and things as they are, beyond good and evil, without judging them.

Elements of provocative intervention can  help a lot in this process to train your personal technics to quickly leave the acute state and switch from stress to competence-mode.

Additionally you will take effective tools for self-coaching / sparring on board which support you in  the acute situation.


So, how does YOUR #sparringteam look like?

“Steal with pride from the BIG ones, who have to deliver on the trigger”, was our motto at the  wonderful team day organized by Alexander Sysoev, MBA and Thomas Grameth from Ericsson  Austria, supported by GEKO Consulting®!

TOGETHER we encovered how 2 use the #TEAM in the context of #sparring as a resource against #stress and how 2 engender a #MINDSET of #ENJOYNESS® by developing individual “safe places” & “stable zones” that support us to better focus our #ATTENTION in our daily action / mission.


Curious how this can work out together for YOUR team?

Let´s get in touch: Click  >>  to your personal dialogue with GEKO

#AntiStressTraining #wingwave #Burnout #Resilienz #BGM #BGF #EAP #ESG

#WorkLifeCompetence #NextGenerationWorkLife


Quelle / Source:



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