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Coaching 4 TAKE OFF ! 

 ... exclusive for flight schools/operations, flight instructors, student pilots,  private pilots,  commercial pilots, competition pilots

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GEKO wingwave® Coaching 4 TAKE OFF !

 ... MORE learning success, safety, peak performance

… exklusive for flight schools/operations,

flight instructors, student pilots, private pilots,

commercial pilots, competition pilots

… personally and at eye level

What is it about? What's the point?


Interface – Human – Machine

Stress triggers, wrong reactions, problem/ accident history

-> release blockages, gain control,

regulate stress


Fitting – Intention – Behaviour

Performance stress, failure mindset,

avoidance patterns

-> stable belief base, activate Ressources, achieve goals

How does it work? Levels of engagement?

Supporting the Ground School  

Optimal transition from theory to practice

Accompanying during flight training

perfect „in-vivo“ training- and exam preparation

Guidance in individual settings 

spot-on coaching and selfcoaching-tools

GEKO is …

certified Business- and Mental Coach,

Resilience coach, wingwave®-Trainer, Pilot

... out of passion and conviction

Human - Machine
Intention - Behaviour
GEKO Coaching 4 TAKE OFF !
Mental Training & Coaching

Mental-Training & Coaching

in flight training / for the practical mission

Serves to enhance perfection and performance:

  • Supports good airmenship –> decision making
  • Regulation of stress triggers –> situational awareness
  • Storing of automated sequences –> skills
  • Preparation for the practical „mission“ –> proficiency
  • Creates free capacity for the unexpected –> risk evaluation
  • With the help of action-plans and (self-coaching) Tools –> disciplin
  • Needs Guidance = Coaches, Mentors, Trainers -> experience!

***  NEWS with GEKO  ***

Advanced seminars specifically for teaching and the cockpit

GEKO Anti-Stress-Training

Work-Life-Competence  with the  wingwave®-Method

 The wingwave® Anti-Stress-Training makes it possible to deal with new situations more calmly, however demanding they may be, because liveliness and alertness at all (training) levels is a good prerequisite for staying in “flow”.

Get inspired by the CURRENT training folder!

Gerald Kohl alias GEKO

Achieve success with the wingwave-method

The wingwave method is a form of performance and emotional coaching that

quickly and tangibly reduces performance stress and increases creativity, mental fitness and the ability to cope with conflict for you as the customer in just a few sessions.

Areas of use and coaching context

1. Regulating Stress
By helping regulate stress effectively, wingwave coaching helps the client deal with stressful situations in the work environment, including team conflicts, disputes with business clients, and setbacks on the way to achieving goals as well as disappointments, insults, sudden incidents that still influence the client's well-being. wingwave coaching can also be invaluable in dealing with forms of physical stress including insomnia and jet-lag.

2. Coaching for Success
wingwave coaching builds a foundation for success for the client, including an increase of creativity, a more positive sense of self-perception, and even an increase in charisma. By strengthening the "inner team" and improving the visualization of goals, wingwave coaching provides the mental preparation for top performance. Issues such as test anxiety and stage fright can be easily dealt with through targeted wingwave coaching and transferred into complete confidence.

3. Belief Coaching
This is about identifying limiting beliefs (e.g. I am worthless) and turning those into resource beliefs. The client can also discover and learn how to deal with the "euphoria traps" (I can succeed at anything) that can build stress and be a formula for failure. wingwave coaching can help the client build an emotionally stable “base of belief” which will allow him/her to withstand the most challenging situations of mental stress.


wingwave coaching as a proprietary process combines following methodical aspects

  • Alternating, bilateral brain stimulation,
    such as alert REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phases, aural or tactile left-right stimuli
  • Neurolinguistic coaching
    Language is used as a brain-friendly coaching compass on the path to your goal
  • Myostatic test
    The muscle test for targeted planning of optimum coaching processes

The effectiveness of wingwave coaching has been documented in numerous scientific studies and several thousand coaches in over 30 countries worldwide are using wingwave.

Stress regulation
Ressource activation
Belief base

The wingwave method is used successfully as a coaching instrument

in business, high-performance sport, education and teaching, health, and in creative circles and can be combined with other tried and tested coaching processes.

This resource effect is created by a basic intervention that seems very simple: the creation of ‘alert’ REM phases (Rapid Eye Movement) which we humans only experience while asleep and dreaming. The coach guides their client’s gaze to and fro horizontally using rapid hand movements. It is scientifically proven that during the REM phases while awake, parts of the brain which had previously been disconnected, join together in an optimum cooperation causing feelings of stress to noticeably ebb away – the back and forth eye movement is essential for the brain (hemispheres) to re-balance, a fixed gaze would not work. The "motion" of the eyes is therefore an effective trigger for positive "waves". As an alternative to "waving", the coach sometimes works with bilateral tones or light tapping techniques called "tapping". Using myostatic test the particularly well-researched muscle feedback tool, the exact issue is determined in advance and the effectiveness of the intervention is examined afterwards.

During online coaching, as an alternative to “waving”, i. e. bilateral tones (wingwave music) are used and in outdoor coaching physical movement effects, while i. e. walking, running, cycling or paddling, support the hemispheric stimulation.

wingwave-coaching strives to achieve maximum coaching effect for its customers with optimal application of methods – and still incorporate and appreciate the multi-level system of individual personality. The principle is one of ‚small cause – large impact’ and is also known by the term „butterfly effect“. The butterfly effect was described by the Meteorology Professor, Edward Norton Lorenz (May 1917 – April 2008) in 1963 when he was trying to draw up a weather forecast using computer programs. However, as soon as he made a minimal change to the source data – namely at the fourth place after the decimal point – the weather model provided completely different forecasts. Spot-on source conditions are therefore decisive for the desired result – and the same applies to a successful coaching instrument.

"Researched through over 20 University studies - developed by qualified psychologists"

Christina Schwanitz

world champion 2015


"wingwave in-vivo coaching works directly on the scene of action!"

wingwave in-vivo

Mark Zimmermann German champion in skydiving

"wingwave coaching has definitely supported me in achieving my goal!"

wingwave in the sky

wingwave-Coaching - IN THE SKY!

German National Team 2007 handball world championship winner

Players successfully coached

in the run-up.

wingwave champion


Trainings of the BESSER-SIEGMUND-INSTITUT certified by the Society for Neurolinguistic Coaching (GNLC e.V.)

Certificate with TÜV quality award - Degree recognized by the European Coaching Association (ECA) and ICF (International Coaching Federation)

Project Management Professional (PMP®) Credential granted by Project Management Institute (PMI)

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) certificate granted by AXELOS

Questions and feedback

Dear Airmen and Airwomen!
I am ALWAYS very happy to receive your questions, suggestions and feedback on my coaching topics. Stories and experience reports from your everyday flying life are ALWAYS welcome to stay in contact. Because only from this does joint further development benefits (;->)

See you soon and THANK YOU!
Gerald Kohl aka GEKO

GEKO Consulting

GEKO Coaching 4 TAKE OFF! Flyer


GEKO Folder


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How 2 create a MINDSET of ENJOYNESS® to focus our ATTENTION on the goal!
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Special - Offer! GEKO Coaching Essentials Crash-Training
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von Gerald Kohl 23. Mai 2024
"95% können aktuell nicht entspannen. Massive Stressreaktionen steigen seit 20 Jahren." -> Mental Training / „loslassen“ Techniken sind erlernbar! (Dr. Bermd Hufnagl, Neurobiologe) In diesem Sinne bringt Enjoyness®-Coaching für sie als Coaching-Kunden spürbar mehr sprudelnde Aktivität in das mentale und körperliche Erleben als beispielsweise der softe Begriff „Wellbeing“. „To enjoy“ ist ein „Tu-Wort“: „Enjoy yourself“ enthält sinngemäß nicht nur die Aussage „Freue Dich!“ , sondern auch die ermunternde Aufforderung „Mach was draus!“ Enjoyness-Kicks und Selbstcoaching-Tools für ein bewusst initiiertes „Gut-Drauf-Sein“, im Sinne eines „State-Control-Trainings“, verbessern die Konnektivität in der gesamten Neurobiologie des Menschen und machen dadurch kreativer und lernfähiger. Dabei kommen u.a. Humorelemente des provokativen Coachings zum Einsatz, es entsteht eine subjektive Leichtigkeit – auch im Umgang mit anspruchsvollen Situationen – weshalb Enjoyness als Erfolgsschalter / Stress-Buzzer zur spürbaren Steigerung und Aufrechterhaltung des positiven subjektiven Erlebens eingesetzt werden kann. (Besser-Siegmund-Institut / Neugierig? >> Mehr erfahren im persönlichen Gespräch mit GEKO << „Solange wir leben, verändert sich unser Körper (und Geist). Diesen Umstand können wir nutzen." -> Denn: Wer nichts ändert, bekommt mehr von dem, was er schon hat. (Dr. med. Christian Larsen, Begründer Spiraldynamik®)
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Kennt ihr das? Manchmal werden unsere Erwartungen an einen guten Tag auch noch übertroffen – durch Beziehungen mit anderen Menschen – man braucht "NUR" bereit dazu sein. 
von Gerald Kohl 1. März 2024
With all the enthusiasm about AI and new technology, we must not lose sight of the individuals = people in our teams. Unless you evaluate the quality of your #team #culture, it's hard to guess WHAT really drives it today, HOW to keep it up AND make it even better tomorrow.
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