Blog Post


Starting from scratch ...
21. November 2022
Gerald Kohl

... by encouraging your daydreaming!

This seemed like a perfect decision to redesign my home office after all the lessons and experiences of past turbulent years – BUT there are also doubts about my personal “must-haves” like: nice new couch, big big big book shelf, adjustable desk and stool, fancy video conference equipment – if I really need all of this, expected constraints and even worse what I might be overlooking!


What about YOU? How would your ideal #homeoffice look like – if you could …

Which things would you change immediately?

Which things would you in any case try to keep?

What gadgets do you dream off?

This post is meant to encourage your #daydreaming, which is a perfect form of self-care to strengthen your #resilience (;->)


Because #daydreaming has powerful effects, it:

  • Reduces your stress and anxiety level: Our brain cannot maintain focus nonstop, to stay productive it requires some regular periods of relaxation.
  • Uses diverse parts of your brain: As your mind wanders both your brains problem-solving network as well as the creativity network are working simultaneously. Different types of short-term coaching methods such as #wingwave take advantage of this.
  • Helps you to solve problems: Letting our thoughts drift can actually help us solve problems, purely focusing on them does not work.
  • Expands your Creativity: When allowing your mind to wander and being distracted from narrow tracks, it reorganizes all tidbits of information and forms new unexpected connections.
  • Supports you to reach goals: Daydreaming about real-life goals invites you to think through different tracks you could take, ways to stay motivated and how to overcome obstacles.


Try it out YOURSELF and keep up #AktiveBalance #MittenimLeben !!!

Und mit dem NEUEN wingwave® Anti-Stress-Training gehts mit ganz viel #WorkLifeCompetence ins Jahr 2023! -> Click zu mehr Infos


#AktiveBalance #MittenimLeben #WorkLifeCompetence #NextGenerationWorkLife #GEKOInitiative #AntiStressTraining #wingwavetraining

Quelle / Reference:

GEKO Consulting 2022

Kam, Irving, Mills, Patel, Gopnik, Knight (2021). Distinct electrophysiological signatures of task-unrelated and dynamic thoughts.

Field, Seide (2021). Happiness, 5 positive effects of daydreaming.

Frank, Land, Popp, Schack (2014). Mental representation and mental practice: experimental investigation on the functional links between motor memory and motor imagery.

Franklin, Mrazek, Anderson, Smallwood, Kingstone, Schooler (2013). The silver lining of a mind in the clouds: interesting musings are associated with positive mood while mind-wandering.

McMillan, Kaufman, Singer (2013). Ode to positive constructive daydreaming.


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