Blog Post


7 Tips to Improve Mental Health for Project Managers
16. November 2023
Gerald Kohl

In what ways can we approach mental health as a project manager?

Several indicators show mental health difficulties are widespread and very costly.

 The World Health Organization estimates that 15% of working-age adults had a mental disorder in 2019. Further, WHO estimates that 12 billion working days are lost to depression and anxiety every year.

 Mental health awareness has come a long way over the past 20 years, the fact we’re discussing it publicly nowadays is excellent.

In many cases, we’re seeing progress in accessing benefits for mental health needs.

 Nevertheless, initially ambitious support projects for employees must not drift into well-being fakes! An important factor for the company's success is to make the conditions for the future more attractive than those in the present or past.

 An optimal combination of anti-stress training, short-term coaching and self-care resources is required for the success of active health promotion and personnel development in the company.

Check out in what ways can we approach mental health as a project manager by use of:

 - 4 Tips to start With Your Mental Health: If your mental health is in poor condition, performing well on your  projects and living life to its fullest will be difficult.

 - 3 Tips on Mental Health Best Practices for Your Team: Setting a solid foundation for your mental health makes it  easier to spot mental health needs in your team.

 - from -> Link:

In any case it is "The Combination that Makes the Difference!”

 Curious? Let´s get in contact! ->

#AntiStressTraining #AktiveBalance #MittenimLeben #NextGenerationWorkLife #WorkLifeCompetence

7 Tips to Improve Mental Health



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